can anyone name 3 benefits of eu membership that we would lose if we left?


Favorite Answer

- The Euro: no money exchange costs when traveling or trading
- Common trading market
- No internal frontiers
- A higher judicial autority independent of your own gouvernement
- Some checks on the spending behaviour of your own gouvernment
- Low inflation

That makes six reasons: pick your favourite three!


I assume you mean the UK; benefits lost would include

- Access to EU markets; the majority of UK exports go to other EU countries. The UK could contribute to the EU budget to retain access to these markets (as Norway does) but then it would still have to implement a sizeable chunk of EU legislation (as Norway does) without having any political representation to influence those laws

- Freedom of travel; have to go back to having visa's to visit France, Spain, Greece, etc

- Ability to live and work in EU countries - I'd like my children to have that opportunity