polycystic ovarian disease?

can any body help me with knowing a bit more about it and there experiences. I am wanting to have more children down the track but fear that my days will be numbered


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I had PCOS before and my doctor told me to get on the pill to regulate hormones. I think it's ironic that I should be on the pill in order to have more children later on but I followed her advice, took the medication religiously, and a couple of years later when I had an ultrasound to check, the PCOS was gone.


PCOS is an issue with lots of women, you're not alone in that (if that's what you have). The most common symptom of PCOS is missed periods, or periods that are really few and far between. Other symptoms include things like excess facial hair. Typcially this is caused by a hormonal imbalance. With PCOS ovulation does not occur. It can be caused by genetics (although this has yet to be determined definitively), being overweight, or a myriad of other factors. But there is hope! Many women have had luck with the herbal supplement Vitex (you can find it at GNC or natural food stores), which is a good alternative to hormone treatments. Vitex itself is not a hormone but helps regulate hormones so that your periods get back on track and you begin ovulating again. Best of luck to you, and don't let PCOS get you down, it's definitely treatable in most cases.


Dont worry. many women with PCOS get pregnant. The way that the doctor explained it to me, my eggs dont grow up. They stay small and that makes me not menstrate. THey say that it can make you stay overweight, or not be able to lose weight easily. You body makes too much insulin to counteract the sugar (your body cannot handle the sugar it gets) and therefore over compensates. The idea is to keep the insulin and sugar at the same level. THey can give you drugs for that.


my wife suffers from this disease. We had a terrible time getting pregnant finally resorting to IVF. We have healthy twin boys now and feel that God has blessed us enough. If you are willing to go through the emotional rollercoaster and pain that some of the procedures caused, nevermind the incredible expense, then I say go for it! Otherwise be happy with the kid(s) god has blessed you with or you can consider adoption.

Good Luck!



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