funny commercials?

anybody know any funny commercials? (like those superbowl ones.)


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the magic fridge
bud light

sweet cheeks2006-04-21T21:05:43Z

I agree with the Quizzno's commercials. I don't know about funny, maybe creepy is the word I'm looking for...those Burger King commercials with the big king head.


My two favorites are the Christmas one where the M&M's ran into Santa and both the red M&M and Santa faints.

The Burger King commercial for the Star Wars toys where the Storm Trooper lights the oven with his blaster.


The Dairy Queen Blizzard Commercial. The Asian couple is pregnant and sharing a blizzard. And they are both fantasizing about the birth of their child. It's so funny!


There was one I saw about a power bar where this overweight dude jogs for a while back to his car parked on a mountain road close to the edge and stretches and is pushing on the side of his brand new Mercedes doing the Quad and calve stretch thing and along comes a Jammacian driving a truck eatting his power bar and stops to help the overweight dude thinking he is trying to push his car over the cliff and does it ha ha look it up on the net!

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