WHY does my back ITCH Really Really BAD when I get a sunburn?
Everytime I get a sunburn on my back I itch for about 3 days, go into fits and usually have to go to the doctor. WHY!!!!!! I just want to be normal & get a tan like everyone else// This happens when I get in the TANNING BED also!!!!
Favorite Answer
I used to work in a tanning salon for four years. You are trying to get a tan way too fast. You must gradually get a tan. Right now you are sunburned which means your body is going to get rid of all those cells you just killed and all the tanning you've done has been for nothing. Buy a tanning lotion that is meant for use in the tanning bed. One that you use outside is NOT recommended. It can ruin the acrylic on the tanning bed. If you can afford a tanning bed lotion, as they can be quite spendy ranging from $15 for the cheap stuff, (where you might as well just use a moisturizer), and up to $45 for the awesome stuff. Back to your problem... you itch because your skin is dried-out. You need to give your skin a break and go back to the beginning. When you start tanning again start with going half of the maximum time allowed in the bed OR LESS. If you burn the first time go less time the next time. If you didn't get ANY color don't go anymore than 2-3 minutes more than the last time. You really must gradually work on your tan in a tanning bed go get the best tan for your money. BTW, if you decide to go for that lotion I recommend something with a bronzer and without the hot stuff... your tanning salon should know what I'm talking about. ALSO... if you have very pale skin and have never been able tan outdoors you will not be able to get tan in a tanning bed and is not recommended that you try to do so. Also, always use those tanning eye covers... you can do severe damage to your eyes without doing so, and over time at the very least you can get uncorrectable night vision problems.
ALSO- Try flipping over half-ways through your tanning time so that your not always laying on your back.
If you are a very fair skinned person it is very difficult to tan, I am very fair skinned and I can't tan. With the itch it is because your skin is very dried out, for that use aloe Vera or bag balm. Bag balm works really well. You can find it in drug stores usually in cosmetics departments.