How can I fix screen door that keeps pulling out of door jam?

The "thing" (I can't think of what they call it) that keeps the door from flying open and slamming shut, keeps pulling out of door jam. The holes are stripped. What can I use to keep this from happening?? My father in law told me to put match sticks in the holes, but did not work.


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if you use matchsticks you need wood glue with them otherwise you are wasting your time you will also need to adjust the spread of the hydraulics by sliding the lever so the door does not open so far as to exert extreme pressure on the hinges and screws etc. fill the hole with wood glue and matchsticks or sawdust and allow to dry before re-screwing hinges and brackets etc


r u talking abou the closer? the bracket holes r striped out? take a small piece of wood, like a tooth pick, break it the length of the depth of the hole. put 2 or 3 in there and then useing screws that r 1/2" longer than what u have now, reattach the bracket. the pieces of wood will allow the screws to grab.

another idea u can use it to lower or raise the bracket and fill the old holes with wood filler. be sure to pre drill if u relocate the bracket.

lic gen. contractor


The match sticks should work if you dip them in wood glue first, let them somewhat dry, then use a longer screw and screw it in, then don't use the door for about 8-12 hours, longer if possible.


if long screws don't work then remove the piston and mount a new strip of wood in it's place then remount the piston to the new wood....just make sure you make the new wood piece about 2 to 3 inches longer then you need.


find yourself some longer screws... like 2 1/2" they will screw into the trimmer behind the jamb and hold well! A screw gun or drill would work best for driving them.