Should I get tampons for my daughter because she is embarassed to?DAD?

I think I'll be just as embarassed.


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If she needs them, come on dad suck it up and be the grown up. She is just a kid and what is happening to her body is difficult enough without having to advertise it to the cute guy in the store. They would obviously know they are not for you


well if u do u need to make sure u get her the type she likes in the size , like slender regular , regular , supper, or super plus , then thers the brands as well , tampax tampons , um damn for got but those to , my daughter goes to the store with me and i tell her hey got get the ones u need and want shes only 13 but i been doing this for 2 year now , they have to learn how to get them thereselfs , what if u werent home and wife wasnt home and she needed some well she has to learn now what u can do is both of u go to the store have her pick them up and put them in the cart no shame there and chit the pepole that work in the stores are old enogh to know what there for anyway , y be embarassed about what mother natur puts us women through


getting your menses is a very confusing time for must adolescents, and also embarrassing, talk to your daughter and let her help you understand the nature of her feeling toward you buying her tampons. If she choose tampons, advise her of toxic shock syndrome, look into that it would be a nice for her to know that you are interested in what she is going through. She would let you know if you can buy tampons her her or not

hope this help


I can remember my dad going through the same thing!!! He had to call me from the drug store because he couldn't remember the kind I used! He was mortified. But... he loved me enough to go through the embarassment of buying me my tampons. At least they knew that HE wasn't having his period. Go ahead and do this for your daughter, she'll love you for it! I know I thought my dad was the greatest when he did it for me!


In my growing up years (which was a while ago), my Dad faithfully keep my mom, my sisters and I adequately supplied with those monthly items that women/girls need. Was he embarrassed? I am sure he was but he never let on. One time I was in desperate need before I went school one morning. My dad worked just down the road from our house. My mom said, "Call your father and tell him you need a blue box." (the monthly items came in a blue box at that time). I was so embarrassed to tell him but about 1/2 hour later he showed up at the door with the blue box. He didn't act embarrassed.

So just consider it an act of love for your daughter. One day she will hold you in great esteem because you were willing to this for you. I really think highly of my dad because he was able to put himself aside to help us girls out.

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