Why do I have to pick a "best answer" if I am not satisfied with the way my question was answered?

I received an e-mail telling me to choose a "best answer" to my question. The answers I received did not provide additional information therefore not answering the question. The e-mail message stated that "they" would pick a best answer for me. Why is it necessary for me to select the best answer if there isn't one?

Sunny Lady2006-04-25T17:17:42Z

Favorite Answer

If you are not satisfied with any of the answers you received for a question, you can delete the question.

• Go to your My Q&A page (see link on the green bar above).
• Click on the open question.
• To the left you'll see a square with several options
• Select "Delete Question".

I would also suggest asking your question again in different but applicable category. You may get a more satisfactory answer.

After looking at your Q&A page, I see that your question has already been put to a vote. Unfortunately, you cannot delete the question once it has been put to a vote. You can only delete the question while it's status is still "Open."


I know... I have the same problem a lot of the time, like when people don't even take my question seriously. You can leave it, and it will be voted on. That's probably the best thing to do if you simply hate all the answers given.


You don't have to pick one. But it will be put up for vote then. If you pick, you get 3 points. If it goes for vote, and no one votes, you get 5 points. If someone votes, you get nothing. Any way you look at it, you aren't out anything, might get something back, or someone you don't think deserves it will get 10 points. If you don't care about points, it's no biggie, just ignore it.


you do not have to pick a best answer if you dont it goes to a vote and everyone else will vote on what they think is the best answer.


I believe now there's an option for no best answer, correct me if I'm wrong.

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