daniel a
Favorite Answer
you should be willing to invest in yourself if you expect others to follow.
do an online one. if youre art work is tangible and not digital then take digital photographs of it. upload them to the net and either make a website or just get some other kind of free uploading site. get a myspace or geocities if you have to. portfolios arent that expensive in the first place. mine cost me about 60 bucks. thats to print and for the actual portfolio it went into. if you want get a 50pack of cd-rw's for 15 dollars at radioshack and just put your portfolio on there as a power point presentation thats a cheap way to do it.
If it is an online graphic design portfolio, I would try talentzoo.com, they are an advertising website. I am not sure about non advertising websites....
like a modeling potfolio...good question having the same problem..try taking pics of yourself if modeling's waht you mean or have a friend take them. sometimes they turn out pretty good.
i dont know