new hydrogen separation proses,nano technology.microscopic water vapor to hydrogen and oxygen?

Not electrolysis or fuel cell.Nano technology whereby water is subject to high pressure then spray to produce microscopic droplet(similiar to bubble jet technology),thus under ideal condition water is spit into hydrogen and oxygen.This combustible mixture is then use for heat enegy production.This enegy from water hold huge potential for clean,cheap.renewabl eource or enegy supply


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How exactly are you splitting the H from the O? Under high pressure and spraying? I don't see how that could possibly work. Cold fusion also has a huge potential for cheap, clean, renewable energy. But much like what you are talking about, it simply isn't possible with the current technology. If splitting H and O was so cheap and simple it would be done all of the time. Electrolysis works, but the energy input makes it unrealistic for creating liquid hydrogen as an energy source. If you truely have a way to spit the H20 molecule cheaply and efficiently you'd already be a multi-billionaire.


to obtain the hydrogen and oxygen, you may take 2 attempt-tubes with caps, fill them with water so as that there is not any air interior them, and placed them upside-down over the electrodes so as that the hydrogen and oxygen gases, lighter than water, upward thrust to the "good" of the attempt tubes. when you're accomplished the test, cap the attempt tubes in the previous removing them from the water. (word that as quickly as adequate hydrogen has accrued in the attempt tube, it rather is going to start to flow and you may desire to maintain it down in case you like greater.) those gases would be saturated with water. i'm sorry - there is not any way of removing the water (in the lab that's accomplished via passing the gasoline by using lime or some thing like that, which will take in water, yet you won't be in a position to truly try this, because you do not have lines.) Hydrogen and oxygen gasoline do no longer integrate with out issues because of the fact the H-H and O=O bonds are extremely sturdy, which makes the reaction kinetically very sluggish. An explosion will certainly happen in case you mild the hydrogen with a experience. that's available to get hydrogen to burn easily in oxygen - you're able to do it with a Bunsen burner (yet you will prefer an outstanding type of hydrogen). yet in a distinctive way, which I regrettably do no longer think of would be achieveable for you, is to apply platinum gauze, that's a catalyst for terribly almost any reaction related to molecular hydrogen.


I dont know about this.. but it looks very interesting...
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