Do you think should be taken off the internet?

Many young people post inappropriate information on myspace. They become targets for pedophiles. Do you have suggestions on how to protect them?


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myspace is not intended for pornography. the people in control of it should crack down on nude photos, but otherwise, it's the responsibility of the user to keep his or herself safe. users should have enough sense not to post pictures, clothed or nude, and not to post age, sex, location, IM, email address, etc. anyone who chooses to do so does this at his or her own risk.

parents should do a better job teaching their children. children should never post personal information or pictures on the internet. they should also be taught not to talk to strangers on the internet, just like they are taught not to talk to strangers in person.

last but not least, myspace has a terms of services agreement that clearly states, " is not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any User of the Services."


For the most part its true. However I will add that some of the things Bush was part of made it even worse for Freddie Mac and Fannie May. For instance Fannie covers alot of student loans and if not mistaken it was Bush who lightened some regulations so more could get student loans and pushed that loans were given with easier standards. So while they knew the risk they put more dry wood on a smoldering fire. Also Dems weren't so much against it, only some select groups as I recall like some select groups including some dem groups are against Obamas healthcare reform even though its considered a Dem agenda. Its fairly split across the board but some groups of so called liberals (imo not real liberals) were the ones to push that everyone deserves a 100k+ house and education w/o working a day in their life. Also far as the article says it suggests all Reps wanted it which was BS, only a small group which is why it wasn't pushed because they didn't even have half support of their own party.


Of course not. Parents need to be more aware of what their children are doing. If they are concerned then don't allow them on. Also, they need to educate their children on what is appropriate and what isn't to say on there.

Banning something just because you don't like it or it may be a little dangerous is wrong. Life is full of danger (driving for example). You can't ban everything and make everyone live in a bubble.

Also, millions of people use MySpace with no problems. The media repeats stuff so many times that it makes it seem like there is a bigger problem than there is. Don't fall for that.


The admins of myspace should edit the underage kid's profiles! Better yet, 12-14 year old girls don't need to be on the internet posting half-naked pictures and trying to entice men. Most kids learn at a young age not to talk to strangers, and the thing is on the internet, EVERYONE IS A STRANGER! Kids just need to not be so naieve. Stop blaming it on myspace, start blaming it on the dumb*ss kids and their parents.


Well, age limits isn't quite doing it since people can lie easily on the Internet. It might help to put more strict rules for content on these web pages. maybe restricting pictuers and personal information? Then what's the whole point, right? It's up to the parents if they want to protect thier children or not.

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