did the last two presidential elections destroy anyone elses belief in the present election system?

there was so much uncertainty in the last two elections. I've decided that its only important to vote in state and county elections. Is there anyone else whose belief in democracy has been totally destroyed by the handling of the last two presidential elections?

Harry Hayfield2006-05-10T01:50:12Z

Favorite Answer

I would agree that the last two elections have cast a bit of a shadow over the US electoral system, yes, but as it's the only system you have you have to grin and bear it.

text avitar2006-05-07T17:08:06Z

I think there was significant uncertainty 2000 but not in 04’

Basically, everyone fights the last war. That is to say people of certain political views saw that making a big deal about Florida in 2000 had wheels and generated a little heat so they send an army of lawyers to all the polling places because they think the concept of Republican election meddling will energize the base.

All that being said, I’m a California Republican so I can feel your pain regarding the electoral collage.


"Belief is a huge thing and uh you got to have it and you've got to have an election system. So there you are and there's the uh, oh, uh, house of the supreme court as a back up to a failed belief system. So bring'em on!"

I LOVE IT G.W. ! Spoken like the ((un)true) "presidential" figure you are. God help us all.

Yeah, I feel pretty disillusioned.

Here's a little Monday morning humor for you all.



The last two elections did not destroy my belief in the Electoral College, they reaffirmed my disbelief in the Electoral College.

(apologies to Eweng, but your line was too good not to steal)


Belief is a huge thing and uh you got to have it and you've got to have an election system. So there you are and there's the uh, oh, uh, house of the supreme court as a back up to a failed belief system. So bring'em on!

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