Any solutions for hair thining from the front only?

I am 28 yrs old. I recently started (for the past 5 months) experiencing hair thining only from the front section. I did experience hair loss after my last pregnancy but it grew back later. Do you have any suggestions?? :(


Favorite Answer

You can help yourself by avoiding the use of corrosive shampoos with SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE
Consider making your own or finding shampoos that do not contain this corrosive detergent in them,

Rinse out your hair with apple cider vinegar you get from a store and take one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of cinnamon for flushing your thyroid, liver, kidneys, and galbladder.


ive seen a couple of women with the same problem. they all had hypothyroid problems though.. this hormone issue effected their hair. from an alternative medicine point of view, it could be caused by different reasons, one is having this "heat " in the body that scorches the folicals. another is stress and lack of sleep, this puts a lot of deficiencies in the production of the hair.. and another is kidney energy (not organ) problems, see if you exp. low back pains, bone issues or urinary problems... good luck


Your thyroids are not working correctly

your GP can easily fix this