This is amusing,interesting but the answer given at time inaccurate and far from correct?

Some answers are not correct and are then thrown to the community for endorsement,can we have a better system to verify the accuracy of the answer.It now appeared that answers are simply given for the sake of 2 points at time without any relavent.
Please do not allow the system to deteriorate!!!


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I totally agree with you. Many a times, serious, genuine questions get no responses at all or get answers like 'sorry, I don't know'. Ask a silly question and within minutes you'll receive hords of silly answers.
Apparently, people are using this site, not for getting answers to questions, but to have some fun.
Most of my questions do go unanswered. But, I wouldn't say the whole system has deteriorated as I'm still managing to get some decent, appropraite answers to some of my queries. I guess what has happened was inevitable.


This kind of thing is inevitable. Remember that a large proportion of Answerers are kids,some are too young to legally be on this website but they are.
A lot of times you just get opinions and wrong answers no matter how old the responders are,it's
inevitable. I like Answers too but don't expect too much here.


If the answers were screened to be perfectly correct all the time, you would have to wait a million years for your answer and then you would only get one. Most answers are advice and as such you should take them with a grain of salt.


Please just be tolerant. Don't let the few spoil it for the majority. Just let it be. All you need is LOVE. Teach them that's what they are here for To Learn. Be a guide for the lesser ones. Nurture the young and encourage, don't chase away, this will never bring about the kind of environment you want in the end. Patience, compassion and understanding. Help them and then they can help us.


I think after ppl learn to ask proper questions they shud expect accurate answers.. (no pun intended) what do u & others have to say about 30 year old people asking questions like "what is 2+2?" & "how to masturbate?".. change the system! huh!!

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