How did these questions go to a vote with no answers?

Do you think these users might be a little pissed that they have no chance of getting their 5 points back?;_ylt=AuGcHFngaHaiud5Nvgymgq7sy6IX?qid=1006041803607;_ylt=AuGcHFngaHaiud5Nvgymgq7sy6IX?qid=1006041618891;_ylt=AuGcHFngaHaiud5Nvgymgq7sy6IX?qid=1006040414307


I thought questions go to a vote with AT LEAST one answer. Am I mistaken?


OKAY PEOPLE! These questions went to a vote with NO ANSWERS. How did this happen?


That's the weird part about it Answerholic®. You can answer the question because it went to a vote and you can vote because there's no answers.


And yet another one!;_ylt=AsH01ob2qYqat5YAb_jEsbTsy6IX?qid=1006030312803


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Lady Lara, I would surmise that they had one or more answers that were all removed for violations.


I noticed a few of those too they are like four months old and at the end or top if you switch the date to go from old to new of the undecided question. Does that make sense? probably not but anyway i would hope that the team would just delete them those users probably aren't even around anymore, but i have no idea how it happens. It's very odd.


the asker might be pissed... they went to voting because the asker did not choose a best answer... most likely because they didnt log into yahoo recently but in this case it was because nobody answered their question

it's not that big of a deal... only 5 points...

answer two questions and vote/rate an answer and you have the points back already

i thought that too about the at least one answer... maybe it's a glitch in the system, who knows?


This is a good question to pose to the y! answers team, there are lots of different problems with this site. As the beta testing is drawing to a close very soon one would think problems such as this would be cleared up by now. Thanks for pointing out this flaw to otherwise clueless people like myself. Maybe together we can get this rectified.

▪Ψ~ RZ ~Ψ▪2006-05-16T02:37:14Z

The question went to a vote cause of yahoo's new rule of not allowing questions to go orphaned.

They put the question to a vote and the answer got removed by a violation!!

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