Since Answers is out of beta now, is someone ever going to fix the stats bar?

My count and bar graph rep. is way off. My best answers are off by ten too less than what I have and my answers other is high by three???


Favorite Answer

It is true that Yahoo Answers has removed 'beta' tag from the logo, but it doesn't mean the product is complete. They still want our feedback and suggestions to make a best use of the site.
Perhaps you may contact Y!A team about this error and hopefully they will look into it.


Yahoo! Answers is no longer a beta service, but pretty much the only difference is that the beta tag is gone. There are still things the team is working on and the stats section in your profile is one of them. Just hold tight a little while until they can get it fixed.


Apparently so. I have been violated for doing so. {shrug} Yes, I have allegedly answered a question without really answering the question as per the subjective interpretation of the Yahoo Community Guidelines.


Chillax -- it ain't that serious.