I really need serious answers!!!!!!!!?

I like this guy at school but he never looks at me! I not that popular or unpopular and neither is he. I can't stop thinging about him and i really want him to ask me out for the prom. I mean it would be weird if a girl asked a boy to dance with her right?(lol) Any way what should I do to get him the notice me??

Memere RN/BA2006-05-21T16:51:58Z

Favorite Answer

Quite the contrary, girls can ask a boy to the prom. When I was in high school, I asked a boy to the prom and he accepted. I knew he was shy so i took the chance and thought if he said no, then so be it. But he said yes. Make sure he hasn't asked anyone else first. In a school that should be easy enough to find out. Hope he says yes.