I like this guy at school but he never looks at me! I not that popular or unpopular and neither is he. I can't stop thinging about him and i really want him to ask me out for the prom. I mean it would be weird if a girl asked a boy to dance with her right?(lol) Any way what should I do to get him the notice me??
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well if i was you i would get one of my friends to ask him if he likes me or just strike up a convo with him ... it will lead to something more trust me ... its not weird for a girl to ask a guy its normal nowadays. To notice you all i gotta say is if he doesnt make a move soon than you should
Just ask him. In today's world, there's nothing wrong/weird with a girl asking a guy out. And even if you don't go to the prom together, doesnt mean you cant leave the prom together. I've seen that happen a number of times with single people just going with a group of friends.
What???? Are you still in the dark ages??? Get over it, if you REALLY DO like this guy then grab him by the hand/arm, wrench him away so you have his attention then JUST ASK HIM!!!
You think he won't notice if you did that? totally not weird. believe it or not guys do like to be asked out by girls, and sometimes theyre shy too so just go for it, otherwise you may just end up dateless and desparate.
sorry for being a bit harsh but passion knows no other expression.
it doesn't really matter if your "popular" or "unpopular". if you like this guy that much take a chance- it doesn't matter if a girl asks a guy to a prom- so ask him
Face your fears and ask him to the dance, you never know he might feel the same way, but scared to tell you, my point is take a chance, what is it gonna hurt?