IS it True? NO ONE OVER Level 3 has anything USEFUL to CONTRIBUTE?

When was the last time YOU EVER saw a "Featured Question" from ANYONE OVER level 2?

Once you have reached level 3, do you instantly lose the ability to ask a QUALITY question?

I know there are "many Level 1 & 2 users". But don't the odds demand that someone will HAVE to have a question worthy of Featured Question, by anyone else?


If those ABOVE level 2, have the same odds (even though there are 5 levels ABOVE level 2), Why do we NOT see ANY of them Featured?

Are you "REALLY" trying to say that NO ONE OVER level 2 Posts ANY Questions?

Kraljica Katica2006-05-22T16:31:03Z

Favorite Answer

Have you ever seen a featured question you felt like answering???


Possible reasons:

- New users may be asking more general questions that anyone can answer.
- The Y!A team thinks higher level users already know how to get more answers to their questions.
- Level 3 and up have used up all their good questions and can't think of any more.
- Level 3 and up may be asking fewer questions.
- I don't know the numbers of people using this site, but the ratio of newer users to level 3+ is probably huge.

I never look at the featured questions, though, so I can't tell you if I've ever seen one from an upper level user. :P

arun prasad k2006-05-24T15:57:49Z

Yahoo has to earmark the featured question in your list of Q&A.
We can find the solution if only yahoo does one small modification.One can access the leaderboard users' list of Q&A. The best answer ratings(obviously they have so many) are earmarked from the rest of the answers. But in the question section yahoo needs to archive the best featured question, which as of now is not done.

It will be a desperate attempt in trying to figure out the odds by counting on the chances we click on a featured question, and also expect it to be from a leader. S(Scientifically random sampling works, but takes time and effort)


I doubt that no one over Level 3 has lower odds of getting a featured question, unless you consider that they might be asking fewer questions.


I'm on level 6 and I've asked over 200 questions!

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