conservatives are angry with bush supposed fixing of medicare. do they want the elderly to die?

every other sentence out of a conservatives mouth refers to medicare and entitlement programs. The fact is medicare is for the elderly do they wish all elderly to die because they can't go to the hospital are receive treatments and/or medications they need? yet, we are spending billions of dollars on a war that never should have been started in the first place.


freetyme813... very good but not an answer to the question.


Favorite Answer

They think that the elderly should work until they drop.

It's the pull yourself up by your boostraps mentality. If you can't take care of yourself it's not their problem or the government's problem.


We are angry with his supposed fixing of Medicare for a number of reasons:

1. The plan doesn't really fix anything. At best, it gives a little money to some elderly, but doesn't do it efficiently, and probably helps out the corporations more than it does the elderly. CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF ON THE LEFT, MOST CONSERVATIVES ARE OPPOSED TO GIVING SUBSIDIES TO CORPORATIONS.

2. It is an enormously expensive plan - way more expensive than the war! It also costs way more than it helps. This means we'll have less money to do other things that could have been done if this money hadn't been wasted. MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON TREES.

3. In a free country, the government is NOT responsible for people's day to day lives. This means that people are responsible for their own lives, their own decisions, and their own problems. If you want to live in a country where the government makes all your decisions and supports all your costs, you should move to Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, or one of the few remaining communist countries in the world. Take notice of one thing: they are all among the poorest countries in the world. This is because the system doesn't work! People in the U.S. are able to afford more healthcare than most of the world precisely BECAUSE we don't do everything for everyone. Government healthcare has always been a disaster everywhere it is tried, and we don't want it here. If you want it, there are enough places you can go to find it, but be prepared, because you will find a much worse economy and fewer jobs. You can't have it both ways!


Might want to spend some time with a document called the congressional record genius.

The president who signed off on the biggest cut for social spending in this nations history was hillbilly Clinton.

I just don't recall the ignorant vitriol when Clinton taking food out of your grandmothers mouth.

Regarding the war - since i know you're going to run right down to the library of congress - check out HR4655 The Iraq Liberation Act signed by the President in 1998. Now, let's see, who was president in 1998?

Yeah - you know what you're talking about alright.


I don't know why they are mad, it will make billions for the insurance company's and the pharmaceutical company's, and further the corruption in the health care industry. This should be right down their alley. Repuglicans are all corrupt.


Bush IS a conservative.