I wanted to ask if any of you have installed solar screens on your home?

I live in Vegas where it gets pretty hot. So I was thinking of getting solar screens on the windows . They say it cuts down on utility bills ( air conditioning) and even heating bills in the winter. The thing is the sun is a scorcher here. Any input ? Plus they seem costly.

♫ sgrfsh ♪2006-05-28T01:28:42Z

Favorite Answer

It's more usual to install them on the roof... you can see some off to one side as you go north of I-215 between Tropicana and Summerlin Parkway (preferably while you're not driving!)

My lawyer friend actually uses photovoltaic (solar) cells on his roof to heat his swimming pool (which also uses sea salt instead of chlorine - and it's awesome). They cost around $20,000 for the pair (including all installation) and they work really well. Apart from the price the other downside is that they will start to produce less power after about 10 years though your mileage may vary. He was quoted something like a 10% power loss after 10 years.

I suggest that you get some quotes that include installation and see where you get to.

Good luck!


R u thinking of sun-screen or solarpower screen-? If it is sun screen, yes this is good, since it reflects most of the sunlight and saves bills on airconditioning.


i haven't but i have heard the same thing... good luck