why does my pc boot up to click f1 to setup and f2 to use default settings and then it goes back to Jan 1 2003

I have to reset the time and date back to today from Jan 1, 2003.


Favorite Answer

I'm guessing by the sounds of it you have a dead CMOS battery. It's a little battery(looks like a watch battery) that keeps all that info like the system clock stored when you have the computer turned off. If that was to die you would be getting messages like this. I reccomend you replace it(if you know what you are doing) or bring it to a computer store and have them do it and it should fix the problem.

Sean I.T ?2006-05-29T16:07:40Z

Do you have other problems besides that? I had a clock and date problem before but that was because my system recovery screwed up. The only way I fixed it was I had to install Windows XP.

Others are saying battery, but when a battery dies, its most likely your computer would have trouble rebooting too, so I dont know the answer to that except to take it to a technician or try installing XP.


It's likely the battery. Get one from Radio Shack. Its a CR2032. About 3 bucks.