My girlfriend's birthday is this Thursday. What should I get her for a present?

We've been dating for a few months. We've known each other for many years though. She's turning 26. What should I get her? I'm already going to get her flowers and a nice card. Still looking for that something special though. Help!


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It depends a lot on what your budget is.
Of course a very nice dinner out at her old favorite or new favorite restaurant is part of the mix, and a night of dancing.

It should always be something that she thinks is very luxurious, that she would never buy for herself. Very beautiful jewelery, a luxurious and fine quality robe, on the glamourous side (depends on her personal style), a spa day with all the trimmings( to prepare for your dinner and evening out?,( bonus perks for you too!)

Always if you buy clothing for her, if you do not know the EXACT size, err on the side of too small, NEVER NEVER too large.

A trip, a cruise, an overnight or a weekend at a beautiful bed and breakfast inn where you will both be pampered and the surroundings are exquisite.

I always recommend memorable experiences over material goods, unless there is serious jewelery involved, and that depends on her preference.


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A picture of the 2 of u together in a heart shaped frame. If you don't have any treat her to a photo shoot at the photographers and dress up smart!Flowers of course too.

Theresa N2006-05-29T20:20:42Z

A gift certificate for a pedicure spa for her. Then, if she does not like surprise parties, then take her to a hotel near the beach and give her the best massage ever on top of the body oils and special creams...hmmmmm..

cutie pie2006-05-29T20:20:21Z

a few months is a tricky time...has she been hinting at anything special that she wants? Get her something unique that she really wants. My boyfriend got me pink rubber rain boots for my birthday!!!! Best birthday gift I ever got. Very cool and very productive too!

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