Where can I find chocolate liquor?
I know that choclate liquor has no alcohol - it is made from the grinding of the cacao bean. But where do I find it? I have a recipe that calls for chocolate liquor and I'm not sure where to find it. Or can I melt unsweetend chocolate (which is made from choclate liquor and cocoa butter) as a substitute?
The recipe is for mini bundt cakes - and the chocolate liqueur is for the chocolate glaze that goes over the cakes once their done.
It is called chocolate liqueor (sp) even though it has no alcohol - it is what chocolate starts out as. It is the ground up meat of the cacao bean - when you add cocoa butter you get unsweetened chocolate.
this is what chocolate liquor is:
Chocolate liquor, also known as cocoa liqour and cocoa massis, is a smooth liquid form of chocolate. It is produced by taking cocoa beans that have been fermented, dried, roasted, and separated from their shells and grinding their center, the cotyledon. The chocolate liquor can then be cooled and molded into blocks known as unsweetened baking chocolate. The liquor and blocks contain roughly 53 percent cocoa butter. Despite its name, chocolate liquor contains no alcohol.