If you could have one superpower, but your enemy would also get a superpower of their choice would you do it?


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the abuility to control ones enemy in body mind and soul. Then I could pick my enemy's super power and use it to benefiet myself and the rest of the world:-)
So that works unless there is a specific list of super powers to pick from, like the traditional ones, invisbuility,flying, strength, being able to morph into things or multiple things being able to read minds, ect. In that case I would have to consider my choices carefully as it would be like a game of rock paper sissers


I would want the power to steal other people's superpowers.


Is omnipotency a superpower?


sure, I would ask for the power to grant my own wishes, that way I could wish for my enemy to be destroyed...hehe

Beware the fury of a patient man2006-05-30T20:45:28Z


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