Does anyone actually read the whole question before answering ?

Someone jsut accused another user of talking about beastiality when in reality if you check out sexyam answers she keeps posting answers about sucking dog and cat penises...maybe everyone should read the whole questions before jumping to conclusions...what do you all think?


omg i might have made an error in my spelling, omg shoot me ..


yes shamur i found an error with your be lol


Favorite Answer

yes, but do you know what my favorite is? i like when there are rambling ons that have nothing to do with the question. talking about dog penis, cat penis, the sucking of either of these, bestiality, bringing peoples pets into this, exact names, exact insults which have nothing to do with the question, talking about r.kelly(child molester/ peed on some people) are not funny. as i've warned, the report abuse button will be flying like gary busey at a trailer park if any of these happens again. the cat can't type. and lip gloss and flag twirling is fine, funny. fecal matter and bestiality are not. that is not ok.


yes thats treue, but then ppl answer so fast that if u go on reading the whole question, ur answer will be 15-16, and then the possibility is less that ppl will pay heed to ur answer, its exclusiveness is lost, plus, if u hv to vote, u generally vote for the 1-2 answer, not the 15-16 one. and then someone might hv said the same thing before u, which makes it all the more difficult.


I don't, I have a short attention span so I never get two more days until the weekend, I can't wait four more questions to answer and then its bed time for summer surfing and enjoying the hot damn, I forget what I was going to say.

oh yea, that sam chick is a beotch


yes, i agree. i do read the entire question if i choose to answer it, sometimes more than once just to be sure i understand it. i don't understand what question could possibly have an answer that would include child molestation, the sucking of animal penises, fecal matter, or insults designed to be hurtful.


Oh certainly , I read the whole question before answering , and so after reading your question i found a few spelling mistakes !!
:-), that i'm sure you too would find after reading my answer ...............What's the point in answering .......if you don't know the question..........that would be be utter rubbish and a complete waste of time....right!

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