Clint Black has an older daughter, pre-Lisa Hartman. Anybody know what happened to her?

I met her while touring with Clint many years ago. By her, I mean Clint's little girl [although I also met Lisa.] She was born out of wedlock; think she and her mom lived in Oklahoma. There were confirmatory DNA tests and Clint even had her last name changed to Black. Lisa DID NOT like her around.


Lilly Pearl Black was not born until 2001. I'm asking about Clint's daughter that was born before he even met Lisa Hartman.


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I imagine if it's been kept secret for this long, all parties involved want it that way.....I vaguely remember hearing about another daughter, but have no information for you...sorry....


Lily Pearl Black born in May 1991. Lisa Hartman married Clint and became Lisa Hartman Black in October 1991.


The mother and daughter were featured on a 60 Minutes segment in the late 80's early 90's. The daughter was not using sentences yet but when shown a picture of Clint she would kiss it and say "Daddy". He was trying to outrun his responsibility way back then. The childs name is Chelsea Bain but she is not listed as his daughter on his website-just the one with Lisa Hartman. Sorry, Clint, but do not plow and plant if you do not want to harvest. I have not liked him since then. Slutty mom or not, Clint is her father and should not be such a coward.


I know via a Nanny story that she came to visit with Clint and Lisa. Lisa told the Nanny get her out of here. Divas do not split their attention with other females no matter how young. Children from other women remind the father and the current Mrs. of that other woman. Some girls don t have that kind of love in them.


Lily Pearl Black

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