My total Percentage WTF !?!?!?!?!?!?

ok now maybe im wrong but I am pretty sure I am right here ( Percent means out of 100 ) so my question is this, on my profile it shows 19% being my best answers and 80% as being other , now what happened to the other 1% to make it to 100 % ??

Does the 1% go to my special answers cos they are just sooo darned good or what ?


lol Yahoo mail uses norton antivirus ( That makes me laugh a lot !! ) and now percentages dont even add up to 100. Interesting to say the least lol.

Its not a real percentage its a Yahoo! Percentage is in its out of 99 not a 100 lol

Anything else I or we should know about yahoo products or services that are like that ?


Favorite Answer

Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.


Yeah my percentage only adds up to 99% too. Hm I dont know maybe the 1% is an answer that got deleted or something? Good question. Or maybe this is a really obvious answer cause th en I feel really stupid.


when you get to be the master then you make the rules(smiles quietly to himself)

Eagle wing2006-06-15T15:10:21Z

yahoo people are all computer geeks that failed math and they make up their own rules!


who knows!?!?!?