Which would be worse....?

Being tasered and having that broadcast on national tv, or being tied to a chair, kept awake, and forced to endure the musical stylings David Hasslehoff for 72 hours straight?


X...I just love your answers!! they make me snark stuff out of my nose... which is way sexxxxxxxxy let me tell you!


Favorite Answer

being tasered would be painful and maybe a little embarrassing, but there is only a .075% chance it would kill you, whereas the 72 hours of Hasslehoff musical stylings would certainly cause either a immediate stroke or aneurysm


I would rather be tasered on national TV, as horrifying an experience as that might be, I think I would survive in the end. And even if it did kill me, at least it would be a relatively quick death. Being forced to listen to the Hoff on the other hand would equal a very certain, agonizing, and slow painful demise...just thinking about it makes me wanna cry.


David Hasslehoff for sure
I would think I would win the ten points hands down for this one
thank you
good luck


gotta agree with X&Y! i could stand the pain and humilation of being publicly tasered.....but being tortured with david hasslehoff....i'd rather have root canal done!


If he is wearing his baywatch speedos, then I would rather take a bullet, never mind taser

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