Need 3 tables on a page - some changes cause page to go ballistic?

I need to have 3 tables on a page. A few columns have text in vertical direction. When I try to split the column, so I can underline one half of it, the page expands wildly and I can't get it back to normal view. I have to close and reopen, hoping I have at least what I started with. I realize tables are movable and have set wrap to none. Can anyone help?

Sean I.T ?2006-06-10T07:20:27Z

Favorite Answer

Try and put a border on the table so that you can see better what you are doing wrong. Just set the table border=1 and then you can visualize how your table is handling the columns wrong. You probably just misplaced a tag or you forgot to close a row or column and its looking funky.

I honestly cant tell you whats wrong with it unless I see the actual html code page.