Do I really need to write a thank-you note for scholarships and grants awarded to me?

My mom says "yes". I say "no" and many other people back me up here. Who's right in the situation?

Do I really need to write a thank-you note to my college for giving me a $40,000 grant when my parents still owe them $80,000? Or should I be thanking them for robbing my parents blind?

Do I need to thank my town and my parents' church for both giving me general scholarships?

Should I be thanking a corporate business next if I get one from them?

old lady2006-06-11T15:17:32Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, you really do need to write thank you notes for scholarships and grants awarded to you. They don't have to be long and flowery, but you do have to acknowledge that these institutions have supported you.
Reason? At some future time, you may have reason to contact them for references, or, if you are lucky, they may consider you for another scholarship. Usually, there is not a lot to choose between scholarship applicants. Obviously they all have good grades and meet the required criteria, and that's when that little thank you note can make all the difference.
Congratulations, by the way. It sounds as though you did well.

Thom Thumb2006-06-11T09:35:25Z

The answer in short is yes, absolutely. In the case of the church and town, and any corporation in the future, you should write thank-yous and don't delay. These organizations are grass roots and the money is earmarked for students to support and encourage them. If the recipients seem ungrateful, will the scholarship continue for the next recipients?
In the case of your college, I can understand your reluctance to write a thankyou, but consider this: They could have charged you full tuition. Is that robbing your parents blind? $40,000 is a HUGE grant!! And also, your mother, who obviously is paying your tuition, wants you to say TY. Saying TY to the college is thus saying TY to Mom.
When you're all done with the notes, be sure to include one for Mom and any other funder.


I wouldn't write a thank you for the Grant but as for scholarships of course you should write thank yous. They are giving you money that they could have not given you or given someone else. Whenever in doubt about writing a thank You note It is best to just write them and be on the safe side. Also Churches have a lot of older people who are very old school when it comes to etiquette. So just sit down and write the letters it will only take five mins and then you won't have to worry about offending anyone.


I can't believe you could even ask a question like this! Every one of the things you mention were GIVEN to didn't EARN any of them. I'm sure you worked hard in school, but so did thousands of other people who haven't been given a damn thing!!!

Absolutely YES! Thank every single person who has helped you along the way...and stop being a spoiled brat about it! If all those individuals and entities thought enough about your accomplishments to reward them with scholarships and grants, the very least you can do is acknowledge their generousity with a "thank you" letter. To do any less is ungrateful!


You should always send a thank you letter to the corporation, church, school, etc. giving the scholarship. It just shows appreciation, and that you are thankful for what they did for you. Someone must have thought you deserved it, so I'm sure they would appreciate a thank you letter in response.

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