Why do you come to religion and spiritual on Y&A?


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Mostly because I either want to be inspired by the intelligence of those answering, or disgusted by the idiocy of those asking.

Religion never ceases to amaze me. The belief in the intangible is grasping at straws. On the other hand, Spirituality is a gift not enough people hold or share but those that do are my heroes.


Honestly I come in here to check the status of world views and beliefs, and man I gotta tell you its scary!
People are caught up in Wicca and Idol worship religions.
People have been brainwashed into becoming politically correct . Especially our young people, teenagers especially. Their very open to occult and pagan images and philosophy's, so long as love or self empowerment is the general message. It so uncool to talk about or bring up Jesus these days , it makes people uncomfortable cringe, walk away from you or feel embarrassed their hanging out with a Jesus freak. You every notice out in public, if some one talks about Buddha, Hindu, Islam, Wicca, White Magic, or Catholics. They become serious, interested and non offensive. They say things like "yeah I heard about reincarnation before" or "monks are cool, they meditate and achieve higher states of the mind" or " I did a little spell my grandmother dose for good luck, and it worked" The world is drifting away from the word, people are starting to believe they can be their own god.As a kid i remember hearing that would happen one day, just not in my life time. I also herd people will spit on you for his name sake. I come here to confess that Jesus is god.


I come to Yahoo! Answers mainly to help people find the Bible-based answers to their questions. Also, to stimulate people to research the Bible & other facts for themselves, Instead of assuming that people who Claim to 'know' are telling the truth. ... When you're on a sinking ship, but the Captain insists that Everything's OK, you need to be Able & Willing to take the necessary action to Save Yourself. You have to keep your Wits about you, and Understand what's going on. That's what I want to help people to do. That's why I'm on Yahoo" Answers.

"Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine."
1 Thessalonians 5:21




To have fellowship with other Christians. It also makes me proud to see so many young believers. I'm a grandmother, & I hope that some on here who don't believe in God will come to the knowledge of the truth by the testimonies of others.

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