Is being provoked ever a defense for assault?


Favorite Answer

Not if you had a chance to walk away....if you were provoked and then had to defend yourself..then yes


Only if it was so bad that you felt cornered with no other way out. If you can walk away, do it quick. Having an assault charge is not something you want over your head for the rest of your life.

Anna M2006-06-13T11:51:21Z

if you can prove it...but it depends on the provocation and whether you cross the line into battery.
Rule of thumb: "assault stops at the tip of your nose". Meaning, if it's just verbal--you're threatening someone, that's assault.If you actually do physically harm them, that's battery.
If some dude is harrassing you, you can harrass them right back, I'm pretty sure. Don't quote me on this, though.


Not at all.

Anonymous2006-06-13T11:47:21Z would have to prove that YOU WERE UNABLE TO WALK AWAY....

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