Can anybody advised how to make organic Aloe Vera Jam?

To make it with better storage without chemical addictive(preservative)


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Ingredients: Aloe Vera Pulp, water, sugar, mineral salt, butter, and permitted preservative.

wash the aloe vera
Grind it
Make sugar syrup

i. It's the latest product in the market.
ii. It's nutritious and good for health.
iii. You'll be able to taste the pulp of the aloe vera.
iv. Rich with vitamin C which is good for skin & immune system.


I would imagine you'd just have to cut open the plant leaves. Scrape with a good utensil, all the gel part, then add your seasonings, maybe honey. Get one of those mason jars, the wax to keep it eatable for a long time, thats what my grandma used to make her jarred peaches, and jams. Something about the wax on top, keeps it fresh longer. I dont have a recipe for Aloe Vera Jam, but I would imagine the wax, at the top of the jam somehow keeps it longer. Good-Luck!


I keep the aloe vera plants as houseplants. That way I always have a fresh, organic supply of it.

You can buy aloe plants at many places that sell indoor plants. They're extremely easy to care for.

Devon R2006-06-14T08:05:02Z

Why would you make Aloe Vera Jam? Is that even edible? I just thought that you put it on burns.....maybe I'm wrong but I wouldnt eat that if I were you.


I don't think you can do that. Alo Vera is usually used in cosmetics not eating.

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