Ever notice how people ask questions about gays, as if no gays exist on Y!A?

I just got done answering a question that was, "do yall think gays should exist"...written in such a way that you would think there are absolutely no gay people on Yahoo Answers. Go figure, huh?

So in addition to the lame yes or no question I already asked, here's another question that is only for homosexuals, although I guess straight people could answer too. Would you change your sexuality if you could? (Gay->straight, vice versa, or maybe even throw in bisexuality)

I sure wouldn't. I love who I am. But I wanna hear from some other gay guys and lesbians. I don't know any other gay people personally. College is just around the corner though, so that'll change.


Favorite Answer

I've changed sexuality (or rather my perception of it) First I was straight, then I was gay, then I was ashamed & scared so I thought I'd be straight...

...I was in my twenties before I realised I was Bi - would I change it? Not on your nelly.

I hope you have a fantastic time in college - but remember you're also there to study LOL!


Yes I've also noticed that about yahooAnswers. And when I first got on here last week I thought everyone hated gays, but I'm glad that there are some open-minded people on here. I would probably change my sexuality from gay to bi just because my best friend is bi, and she and I would make a great couple. I didn't know very many gay guys before I went to college, and I've been disappointed with the ones that I have met in college(most have slept with each other). I go to college in a small, conservative area, but I'm going to a much more progressive college a year from now. My advice for you is to not date somebody just because they are gay and you are attracted to them. Really try to get to know people first. Good luck.


I would not change one single thing about my sexuality. I love being gay. It has been one of the major factors about me that helped shaped who I am today. I don't think that I would have the friends I cherish so dearly now or have had as many wonderful and fun things happen to me if I hadn't been born gay.

Yes, born gay for all you people out there who continue to ask that question on this site.

Happy Gay Pride Month!

Lovin' Life2006-06-15T14:01:26Z

Having lived the straight life until I could be honest with myself about being an out and proud lesbian, I have to say that I wouldn't change anything about who I am. I love my life and I love finally being comfortable with who I am.

Enjoy college- find the campus groups or local support early on so that you have a network of people who are open and accepting - depending on where you go to college, you may experience more open-mindness and diversity than you are used to!


a million. Please, separate questions into paragraphs next time. 2. Why does some gays combating identity cause them to "unqualified" to have a larger position? that aspect replaced into left ambiguous. And what of those who're no longer combating it anymore? 3. How is telling others a own reality an lack of self assurance? 4. you aren't to any extent further telling what you recognize from the Bible--you're telling about your INTERPRETATION of it. indexed lower than are some questions that I ask of you: 4a. Do you position on polyester or any outfits made up of distinct fabrics? 4b. Do you position on gold rings or pearls? 4c. Do you eat shellfish or lobster? 4d. have you ever had a haircut? 4e. Are you a woman who has ever spoken in church? 4f. have you ever eaten any ingredients that comprise fat? 4g. have you ever had alcohol (win lined) on holy grounds? 4h. lengthy gone to church interior of 33 days of childbirth (as a lot as sixty six if the baby is a woman)? 4i. have you ever spread a rumor? 4j. have you ever trimmed your beard? 4k. Do you've a tattoo? 4l. have you ever worked on Sunday? in case you spoke back certain to any of those, you've committed a sin punishable through lack of existence! 5. If each and each of the sins indexed above (no longer even close to to each and each of those in Leviticus) are in straightforward practice, why does the only verse with regard to the LGBT nevertheless get word as a sin? Which do you component takes position more desirable, gay sex or people donning polyester? 6. through telling us that that's a sin, you're judging the position it isn't your position to.

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