Has anyone ever told you "It's not you, it's me?"?

and did you look at them, raise your eyebrow and say..."No **** sherlock, I know it's always been you, you ignorant a$$clown?"

welcome to my world. you can use that quote if you like.

Mike S2006-06-16T12:43:17Z

Favorite Answer

At which point they should be reminded that adults supposedly are capable of growth and recognizing that they should not become seriously involved if all they are after is sexual release. If they want something more, they must be prepared to deliver that. If they are unable to do so, they should wear a sign that says "Will screw but won't commit!"


Everyone has heard this one and, of course, you're right. It IS them. It's a cop-out and something that you might hear right before they head out the door. It's a diversion that they hope will keep you from looking at the real reason they're not involving themselves more in a friendship or relationship (not necessarily another person), sometimes fear of commitment. Haven't heard nor used your response, but it would sure leave them with their mouth hanging open! Another option, when someone says, "It's not you, it's me" is to say, "You know, it really IS you, and you need to get some therapy before you mess up another relationship."


Yeah, I've heard that before, and I've always answered back by slugging the hell out of him. If they fall then they're guilty and it really was them heh!


No. They always point the finger at me, especially when they float monstrous air biscuit in public.


People these days can change English grammar & they can include the new phrases into grammar, like the example that you have.

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