What can my family do legal about my neighbor's dogs?

They're two German Shepards that like to bark at all hours of the night. Yesterday, they broke through the neighbor's fence and were running all around our yard, banging against our windows, and growling at us. We were trapped inside for the whole day. This guy shouldn't even be allowed to have animals. An old dog of his had attacked someone in the neighborhood. Is there anything my family can do before something more serious happens?


That was my father's decision not to call yesterday, not mine. He was trying to be a nice neighbor. Personally, I would have called animal control.


The neighbor owns the fence, not us. Nothing was damaged on our side of the fence.


Thanks for all the answers guys. I feel like I'm living next door to Kujo.


Favorite Answer

Yes. You can talk to your town about it. Most towns have an animal control officer, who can deal with it. Of course the things to remember here are:
1) It's not the dogs' fault. They probably haven't been cared for or trained properly.
2) You can always threaten the guy with legal action, but of course you'll have to live next to him so...


They should call animal control and the police to report the incident. Hopefully they will do something before something bad happens. A couple of years ago a 7 yr old boy was brutally attacked by his neighbors dog and nearly died. Luckily, the boy's father happened to look outside and noticed that the dog was dragging something large in the hedges. When the father went to investigate, he found his son unconcious and near death. The child had to go hours of extensive surgery and will be scarred for life. The owner of the dog knew her dog was viscious, but said she allowed the dog outside unattended in a heavily populated subdivision because it was sunset and she didn't think anyone's children would be outside.


I'd suggest calling the police or animal control for some advice on what to do. Local laws about violent animals, and noise ordinances vary.

Yankee Trash2006-06-17T04:13:53Z

Call the cops for noise violation, damage of property, and assult. If you can't leave your house and are threatened by dogs... that is assult. Talk to you neigbors.... have them call the cops as well. After a couple of visits... the cops will legally make the owner take action.
Also Call the local Animal Control. If He can't take care of his animals.... they will inspect it.. and inevitably take them away from him with a hefty fine.


Call Animal Control. They should take care of it.

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