Has anyone else ever had a crush on a cartoon character?

When I was a kid I used to have crushes on cartoon characters all the time, Leonardo from TMNT,Darian from Sailor moon, Aladdin. is it just me?


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No, it is probably very common, it's harder to find fault with an animated character after all, my crush was on Ariel from The Little Mermaid, who by the way, was modelled after Charmed actress Alyssa Milano, escept for the red hair and the fin. So there is another reason, they're modelled after real people.


OMG!! ME 2!!!! 6- Jimmy Nuetron 8-Danny Phenton 10- aang 11-sokka 12- Jet Now, 13, Zuko from avatar!!!!??? ZUKO IS hott i love authentic boys a lot as well!!!! I dont imagine that's weird and wonderful in any respect cuz EVRY1 i noe has had a weigh down on like a minimum of two characters. there isn't any longer some thing incorrect with fictional crushes. I actually have a weigh down on Jacob Black too! Fictional adult men are for sure better appropriate than authentic ones, they are made up and particularly a lot appropriate. Why does no longer you've a weigh down on them?


When I was a little boy, I had a massive crush on gril Bambi, I don't remember what the girl fawns name was now.

I used to have dreams where I was Bambi and I was running around in the woods with girl Bambina or whatever.

When I would wake up and realize that my relationship with Bambina wasn't real and that I would never have a beautiful little deers in the woods relationship with girl Bambi I would experience severe depression.

Even as an adolescent I had a similar reaction to Dianna Rigg's character in the British television series The Avenger's. She obviously was not a cartoon character, but she was fictional and on television anyway.

Thankfully, I don't have those kinds of experiences anymore, because they were quite emotionally unsettling.



Ya it is occured with many when they are in their childhood and they try to act also like that charcter/



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