What is your favourite style of dancing and why is it so?


Favorite Answer

I like to dance to rap, hip-hop, and r&b. Cause I'm always listening to that kind've of music no matter where I am always sure that I change the stations. I like to dance to that kind've of music cause I know like a thousand of dance moves. Plus I took dance lessons and everything. So yeah. People are always giving me good compliment by the way that I dance with them so yeah.

Dolores G. Llamas2006-06-22T14:21:55Z

Raqs el sharqi aka belly dance. I feel so womanly when doing it, and the movements are very natural for a woman's body. It's more than just freestyle gyrating, there are steps and there's discipline to it. However, none of the movements will injure or damage the body. It's so so fun to do, and it's BEAUTIFUL! Even fat women like me can look beautiful when doing raqs. It's also a great workout.

Ah yes, another favorite is Latin, any of the Latin dances. I enjoy mambo, chachacha, rumba, lambada, tango, it's all so FUN!!

One of these days I gotsta learn to swing dance. I know the very very basics, but I want more.


Ballet is my favourite because it's what I've been doing since I was 3years old! It gives you a great posture, developes coordination, keeps you fit and supple and helps you stay thin! Plus, ballet is a really good introduction and platform to other dance-forms, as it prepares your body for movement of all kinds.


My answer is the "girly dance", you girls and maybe guys have to know what I'm talking about.
Girls-you know when your listening to music and then all of a sudden your arms are moving over your head and your body's swaying.... its not a dance you learn, its the dance the music pulls out of you... Your like in your house listening to music and then like 2 minutes later your doing your little girly dance and your like how'd that happen??

Justine J2006-06-22T09:31:03Z

Hip hop. I grew up around hip hop. Its all I know. I also lets you combine any two moves to make a new dance.

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