what homeopathic remedy is there for bad dog breath? i dont want to buy something from a pet store etc.?

my dog has had her teeth cleaned 4 mos ago. she still has bad breath. i do not want to buy something commercial. i would like to use something i have in the house if possible. any ideas?


Favorite Answer

Get a good quality rope toy...the ones that appear to be twisted string tied in a knot. Soak it in unsalted broth. Dry it in a very slow oven. she will try to chew all the falovor out of that, and it works as dental floss to keep her teeth clean, and her breath fresh.
If she grows tired, (couple of months)as the flavor is gone, just wash by hand, and re-soak.


Do you have a golden retriever? They have chronic bad breath as a breed. I know you don't want to buy anything remedy from a pet store, but if you have a few dollars, greenies will help to cure her breath. Dog buscuits and things will treat it for an hour or so. Parsely, for humans will cure bad breath for a while. Try giving your dog a few small sprigs (it will work if she chews it). There are no chemicals/medicines in a household that are good for a dog's breath. Good luck!


Yes, I feel bad for byb puppes, because they have a hard life. But, buying a Byb bred puppy only supports back yard breeders, causing more and more Byb puppies to go to bad homes. Also, buying from a pet store can support puppy mills, which they are horribly mistreated and bred disgustingly. It supports them- and we don't want that at all. I also agree that dogs from shelters need good homes. Sometimes dogs from shelters can be 'not as good', but byb puppies can be too. Lots of times more people want a byb puppy because it is young and cute, while they stay away from poor old mutts at the shelter. Its a tough situation, and I wish every dog could get a right home- thats why we have shelters...


You can "brush" her teeth with a piece of cloth- like cheesecloth with some bakingsoda and water. You can also try some fresh mint if she will eat it. Her food may not be agreeing with her causing her ba breath. You could try feeding her a wholistic diet to help that. I give my dogs fresh fruits and veggies. Carrots (as in whole large carrots) are great because they clean the tarter off their teeth and are heathy for them as well!


You can use fresh Parsley. You may have to chop it up and add it to canned dog food to get your dog to eat it. You can also try peppermint. Dogs usually like sweets so York peppermint patties (minus The chocolate outside) are a favorite of my dog. Also you could brush its teeth. They usually don't like it but it helps. Good luck

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