Are we programmers happy minded people?

I mean , you see so many security holes in so many places. Its hard to constrain yourself away from these great explorations and how can you not become EVIL? Programming turns you EVIL.

And I am sure girls stay away from programmers because they are kinda afraid we gonna invade their secrets.


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Yes it sound like hackers.. i am a programmer, i am a woman, and i am happy minded! very!
I don't think men stay away from me! lol!


Yes we are, we are always happy because of what we do, and I'm a chick magnet as well, chicks dig me because I'm a programmer...


the kind of programmers your talking about sound moire like hackers to me than coders.


If your moral, you see security holes as problems, not oppertunities.

If your not moral, the reverse applies.

Which ever way you see them says who you are at heart.