What is your LEAST favorite thing to do?


Favorite Answer

i really hate sleeping alone


I hate getting out of bed in the morning when I haven't had enough sleep, blow-drying my hair, putting on mascara, finding an outfit in my closet that fits my mood for the day, answering the phone, trying to shop for the perfect gift for someone, going to Wal-Mart (hell on Earth), going to the gyno, washing my own car, waiting at the DMV or other municipal buildings with all the white trash, listening to my younger brother ***** about work, balancing my checkbook when I haven't done it in three months...


my least favorite thing is being lazy , i just can't stand lazy people oh i had a lazy day today but i had a food fight to get me out of the laziness lol.


Go to the Urologist every year and have a rectal exam.


Tx Guy


Listening 2 my boss' yapping.

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