My version of Hell??

My version of Hell is going to Heaven with all the fundimentalist Christians. Anything else conceivable would be better--fire and brimstone, eternal lonliness and separation from God, etc. Does that mean (God forbid) that I am damned to an eternity in Heaven?


Fundimentalists, youre just proving my case as to why it would be Hell to be stuck with you. Good job!


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Interesting concept. In that case, I'll see you in Hell. :)


Trust me, you don't want to be separated from Almighty God. That means that NOTHING good can happen, only pure undefiled evil. Eternal torment at the hands of the damned seems more tolerable then being in the presence of God? Unfortunately though, for your case, you can not "create" your own version of heaven or hell.


Enjoy you version of "my version of hell" because no where in the Bible will you find "my" version of anything outdoes God's version - and it is God's version that I would not want to experience.

That also applies to all your casual joiners - that's why people get in trouble with Christianity - they think it's a "my" religion and is for those who are not truly Christians - but Christianity isn't and hasn't ever been about "my", it's always truly been about worshiping God, believing in Jesus Christ, and trying to live a human life that reflects what they desire - that's why Catholicism missed the boat before it set sail - it started out with "my" notions and ideas, not Christ. That is the heartbreak of so many religions. The simplicity of Christianity and the complicity of religion.


Actually, Hell's probably a good thing for you if that's what you believe. Heaven is going to be continual worship of God.

Good Luck, and be careful of what you wish for.


wow i cant wait to get to the heaven that God describes. a place where i can worship the One who created me and held me all through my life. trust me if you do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior you wont be going to heaven. Thanx for the two points and another prayer on my list. God Bless and best wishes.

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