How do I report trouble with yahaoo answers?

What I type and what is getting posted is different! words are missing, I went to help but I could not find a place to actually report this.


I dont know why some have to be so mean, not all people have grown up with computers, some of us are old and are just now learning.
Thank you to those who were kind and informative......God Bless

Emma Monkey2006-06-29T09:08:17Z

Favorite Answer

At the top of every page in little blue writing there's a link that says 'Forum', click that, and post your problem in there. It can take a while to get a reply, so be patient. Keep checking back, and if after a day you've still no response then reply to your own thread by typing *bump* or adding some extra details to it, and that will send it back to the top of the page.


At the bottom of the page there's a link labelled "Tell Us What You Think." Click on it and it will give you a feedback page.


Go to the feedback page here:


you go and report it


well stop swearing in all your posts then granny!

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