Messenger download?

For some reason, I cannot install yahoo messenger 7.5 using the small (388 KB) file. But a while ago I found on the yahoo website a place where I can download the full messenger (7 MB roughly) but I lost it. Does anyone know where I can download the FULL file for 7.5?


Favorite Answer


That's very odd. I haven't checked but you may not be able to download it anywhere else due to copyright laws. I'd suggest going onto yahoo or google and just search for it. Messenger has always downloaded fine for me and it may be a problem with your computer being able to download messenger and may not be fixed by downloading it from somewhere else. The best advice I can give you is to go on and search for yahoo messenger 7.5 and see what turns up. Good luck


check with yahoo and ask them for the new version. i have the updated one

