Our government is insane to imprison a man for 5 years for the art in his own yard. The charge was a felony!?

It was stuff, not garbage, sculpter, what he considered art own his property. He was sentenced for 5 years in prison for felony littering. The government is out of control. Where are our constitutional rights. Who knows before long we may not be allowed to decorate for holidays. Does anyone agree that this man should not be in Prison???


His name is Alan Davis, near Altamonte Springs, FL They called him the "annoying neighbor" in many of the articles. He is an American that was trying to stand up to Government for the rights of every American.

D T in Sedona2006-06-29T15:26:11Z

Favorite Answer

Art is in the eye of the beholder. Art evokes an emotion.


Maybe not, but people who decorate for Christmas sure do need to be put in prison. Not all, just the ones who decorate with insanely gawdy, noisy figures and the ones which are so freaking bright you have to get a black-out shade in order to sleep at night. Have some respect for you neighbors you obsessive Christmas fiends who are focusing on the bright, plastic, colored things rather than the non-commercial meanings of the winter holidays.
Okay, back on topic. The government is getting way out of control when it comes to interfering in peoples rights on their own property. Like you can't be topless in your own yard because someone else might think its offensive. At the same time they are totally lax with the media and printing of facts that could endanger our family members who may be in Iraq. Stupid Government. We need less Government in the US, not more! By imprisoning this man and us citizens allowing it, we are allowing the central government too much control over our daily lives! I don't like where this country is headed.


More details needed to make any judgement about this, clearly. A Google, Yahoo! & dogpile search of news items on "sculpture + felony + 5 year sentence" turned up zero results...

hurricane camille2006-06-29T15:24:07Z

That is too weird. I didn't know you could litter in your own yard.
Since the Supreme Court ruled that the government can take your land away from you and "sell it" to the developers of their choice(ostensibly for the good of the community)......any thing can happen.


Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Antonin Scalia questioned whether the detainees are entitled to hearings in civilian courts. "Show me one case" down through the centuries where circumstances similar to those at Guantanamo Bay entitled an alien to challenge his detention in civilian courts, said Scalia. Come back when you can answer that question. In the mean time , we'll have to wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to hand down its ruling on this subject.

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