Has anyone been violated…?

by Yahoo!'s Community Guidelines? I recently received a notice that I had violated the guidelines of the community. I will admit that what I wrote was sexually suggestive. But there was not a single profane word in my response. I would like to think that this newly forming Yahoo! community is mature enough to handle these things. Especially when most of the other responses I have read are full of vulgarity and people telling people to just kill themselves. I would just like to hear some opinions on how everyone feels about having their right to free speech imposed on in this fashion. Now, I'm not saying that I think people should be able to go on some kind of Profanity Rampage™ but come on. Are we not mature enough to engage in a little conversation with some suggestive material that is obviously said in a joking matter.


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12% of my questions have been deleted, mostly for 'chatting' or 'not a question or answer' or some other lame excuse.

I've noticed if you add a lot of details and mention someones name you get accused of chatting.

I think if you don't like a question you should just skip it and answer something else (unless it's incredibly offensive or attacking an individual peron here then maybe it should be reported).
I've seen lots of question here I don't like, I just choose not to answer them rather than reporting them.


You have to understand that there are rules here. They are very clear in ther Community Guidelines. If Yahoo thinks that you have violated one of the rules they will tell you. I read alot of stuff daily on here that is vulgar and I imagine those people are receiving the same violations that you received. There has to be rules.

This is not our site, as much as we think it is. We are visitors and as visitors we are expected to obey the rules. No different than being in school, at someones home, or at work.

Don't be mad at Yahoo! someone obviously reported you. They just did their job.

As to the maturity level here, NO we are not all mature enough. There are children on here that shouldn't be, we all know that. If your here for a few min. you can figure that out. Therefore, everyone needs to be aware of that and be respective of that. In my experience people don't talk to children in the real world the way they are talked to on here. Because no one can see them the idiots out there think it's ok.

I hope your not mad and I hope you can understand why the rules are there. They are to protect me and you.

Have a good day.


I am. For one thing, I accept that this is the Internet and it brings together people from all walks of life. Some speak like Harvard Doctoral candidates and others sound like longshoremen. If I do not agree with a person's content nor have anthing useful to offer it, I usually leave it alone. I don't report people because at 43 years old I am past the stage of tattling and I don't let words or controversial opinions hurt me.


Sorry to hear that. I wished I saw your question. People have nothing better to do I guess!! Maybe the Christians and the kids shouldn't answer or open questions that have a title they don't like!!!!!!


I hate to break it to you, but in case you haven't noticed, there are quite a few young children and even more Fundamentalist Christians on this site. Kids don't know any better, and those Christians are reporting you...