What car rather u have?

I'm looking a brand new mazda 3 5 door and a Honda Civic SI which one would u choose if u had to choose just one car out of those two...


Favorite Answer

Mazda. Be different.


Well the are both Very good cars if you are looking for the sporty more fun to drive i would go with the Si even though the Mazda three is fun to drive also.....the mazda 3 has trunk space unlike the Civic Si witch is a hatch back sedan so that means u would have to put ur groseris in the back seat but i guess i would go with teh Civic Si


Id go with the honda, cuz im a speed freak

the mazda if i was looking for versitality
the honda for speed and better reliability

the hondas not going to win any beauty contests though.


Honda Civic SI, for sure.


Honda Civic, Honda's are better car and last much longer.

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