In highschool do you have field trips anymore??

Ive been wondering about this!!!


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There are tons of field trips at my high school--the calculous teacher takes a group to King's Island every year for their math/physics day; the art teacher takes kids to art museums in Indy; the botany/zoology teacher takes his students on a plant-hunting field trip out in the boonies; I've taken students to Chicago, to the Little Village, among my more ambitious trips. Sometimes we go to Indianapolis, and usually I like to take my first years to a Mexican grocery, bakery, and restaurant in Lafayette, Indiana just to get them some "exposure" to Hispanic products/culture. Long live field trips!

Tamie C2006-07-06T08:33:26Z

It depends on your high school, and what clubs or activities you are involved in. Our English class does a field trip, the band does two field trips every year, big ones.


We have gone on numerous field trips for different clubs. If you aren't in high-school yet, when you get there join as many clubs as you can, while still managing your time. Also, certain classes may take field trips, such as a newspaper/journalism class may take a trip to the local newspaper company. Also, in my high-school, every grade takes a trip to a local college or park for a "bonding" activity.

James P2006-07-06T08:31:25Z

I never had field trips in highschool, that was a middle school and below kinda thing.

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