♥How did they put 23 different flavors in the doctor pepper bottle? And what are they???

Im drinking one right now trying to fogure out all of the flavors.


Favorite Answer

There are 23 flavors and other ingredients (none of which are prunes) that produce the inimitable taste of Dr Pepper." And that's it. No prunes, but they are keeping quiet about what's in there. Though the exact formulation is not known to the public, the company is adamant that Dr Pepper doesn't now contain prune juice, nor did it at any time in the beverage's history. Dr Pepper is a dark liquid, making the notion that another dark liquid could be been surreptitiously slipped into the concoction fall within the realm of possibility. That, plus its unclassifiable flavor is enough to render the slander faintly plausible. This information comes from http://www.snopes.com/business/secret/drpepper.asp


they have had 23 flavors for ever thats why its the best tasting coke. i mean soda. and 1 of them is prune juice. and there is some cherry flavor too.
what sux to me is the guy that had to change the signs at the ballpark in arlington next to the jumbotron in right field. man the new logo isn't even close tothe old one. except the colors


I can't list them all, but I've been told by someone who visited the plant that one of them is prune juice. I'm not sure I believe them, but I've been drinking Dr, Pepper for years.


don't tell anyone, but I think there's a link between 23 and the number on Michael Jordan's old jerzee. I think the first three ingredients are water, but that's just my ol' guess.


personally i dont really care. dr.pepper is all i drink and i LOVE it

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