After Portugal's final game, is Luis Figo going back into international retirement?

Well, he retired after Euro 2004 and came back, any ideas on what his plans are now?


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I think he's really retired this time, still, there is a flicker of hope in me that he stays.. he's a GREAT player, with so mush to offer. Even if he retires, I hope he remains involved in the Portugese National Team.. he has too much to offer not to be involved, he brings to the game skill, class and dignity, an example to all the youngsters.. C. Ronaldo could learn alot from Figo regards behaviour, as well as footballers everywhere!
Even though PORTUGAL lost, Luis Figo is still my #1!


I think Luis Figo is a good player, but he's getting old and it's time for another young fresh player to join the team. and within regards to what Sushibabes said about Luis Figo having class? good behaviour? and dignity? there are FAR MORE players out they that are more respected and would be good role models that Figo!!!! What class does Figo have? he has a BAD temper! Did you watch the Portugal vs Holland game??? Did you not see Figo get mad and HEAD BUTT one of the players from Holland??? Class my A$$!!!!!!!


Yes hes officially retired from International Football

I really wanted Portugal to win because they've never won it and played really well. But as we saw in the Italy VS Australia match divers always win (France)

Ana Sofia PORTUGAL2006-07-12T02:33:43Z

no idea. But we already miss him! We all hope we never got retired! For us he was the "revelation player"! Noone was expecting him to play so well! We all would love him to play in 2008!! :)


He played poorly th whole tournment..i saw nothing in Portugal except Deco.

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